Angles Morts Bus - Blind Spot Sticker

170mm x 250mm 12 label stickers per pack Permanent adhesive

As of January 1, 2021, France has mandated 'Angles Morts' blind spot stickers on vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons. 

'Angles Morts' is a French expression meaning blind spots. These stickers are intended to make drivers and motorists more aware of the blind spots of Passenger Carrying Vehicles (a.k.a PCV).

A blind spot refers to the zone where the driver can not see in their mirrors and areas are hidden by parts of the structure of their vehicle. It is a dangerous zone where other road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists, may be present without the driver being able to see them directly through their mirrors. 
Failure to comply with this regulation can result in fines and penalties in accordance with French traffic laws. Therefore, it is important for drivers of vehicles falling under this regulation to ensure they have correctly applied the required blind spot stickers. 

The PCV Blind Spot stickers from Zolemba comply with the requirements stated in Article R.313-32-1 of the French Highway Code. By using this label, road users can better anticipate potential hazards and adjust their driving/road behavior to prevent accidents, particularly concerning all road users who may be caught in their blind spot.

Introducing the PCV 'Angles Morts' Blind Spot sticker. It is an essential safety accessory for vehicles driving in France. The PCV Blind Spot stickers from Zolemba comply with the requirements stated in Article R.313-32-1 of the French Highway Code.

This sticker has dimensions of 25cm x 17cm, is made of durable PP material. The design features an image of a white lorry truck with black and yellow colors surrounding it, the text 'ANGLES MORTS', and a bold red border with the text 'ATTENTION'. 

The 'Angles Morts' sticker is specially designed for vehicles with high-quality paint, such as buses, campers, and trucks that travel on French roads. 

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