Label printer with labels starter deals | Zolemba | Cheap deals!

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All your labelling needs complete in one package. The package deals of Zolemba have been put together for various industries, postal services and courier companies.

Zolemba has a wide range of package deals available in stock. Some deals include label printers specifically tailored for certain delivery services. For example, if your company ships products through Royal Mail, you can select the Royal Mail Starter Package and then receive a label printer with the correct shipping labels especially used for Royal Mail post. There are packages available for Royal Mail, DHL, UPS, DPD and many more.

You can also choose for a package deal without a label printer, for example, a rainbow package including address labels. The rainbow package is available with different combinations of compatible Dymo labels. The rainbow packages include 7 coloured rolls and 3 white labels rolls. You can order the rainbow package with address labels for the compatible 11352 Dymo labels, compatible 99010 Dymo labels, compatible 99012 Dymo labels and the compatible 99014 Dymo labels.


Besides the packages named above Zolemba also offers a variety of packages specially developed for different industries. These packages include a label printer and compatible labels. You can choose from the following deals:

  • Digital stamp labels start-up package
  • Paint industry
  • Dymo starter's package
  • Doctors starter's package
  • Dentists starter's package

For Brother printers, we offer a package deal with two holders. This package includes a big and a smallholder. Ordering a package deal means a little more ease and profit! You receive multiple products in one package which is cheaper than ordering them separately.

You are not sure what you need? No problem! If you want to get more information about our package deals or other products feel free to contact our customer service. Our experienced co-workers will be happy to answer your questions. You can reach us at +31 (0)53-7370160.

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